Christmas is coming soon. I’d like to send this 39mm fake Rolex Cellini 50535 watch for my father as his present. I bought this cheap 1:1 fake watch from online store. It is a high-quality AAA fake watch, which is difficult to be distinguished with the genuine watch.

Even if this perfect replica Rolex has no moon phase, it is still worth having because it is the most elegant model of Rolex, which displays Rolex’s traditional watchmaking technique.
It features the polished 18ct everose gold case and brown alligator leather strap. The collocation of 18ct everose gold case and brown alligator leather strap is wonderful.

Furthermore, the moon phase on the white dial adds charm to the Swiss made fake Rolex Cellini watch. I believe that my father must be satisfied with this present.
Made by ZF factory, this high-quality fake watch is equipped with self-winding mechanical movement caliber 3195 that has the certification of COSC.