Precious Rolex Daytona Replica Watches UK Sold At High Price On “REFRESH:RELOAD”

The online auction “REFRESH:RELOAD” of Phillips that held from May 20 to May 28 created the highest record in the history. It has attracted people from 40 countries and regions. Many watch collectors have bought their favored perfect fake watches.

The sub-dials are striking on the black dial.
Steel Bracelet Replica Rolex Daytona Ref.6263

The first one is the Rolex Cosmograph Daytona copy with black dial. The precious model was launched in 1980 and the estimated price of the watch is 300,000 – 500,000 HKD. It has attracted many collectors and finally the Daytona Big Red ref.6263 was sold at 687,500 HKD.

The red second hand is striking on the gold background.
Brown Leather Strap Copy Rolex Ref.116518

The second one I will introduce is the Daytona too. The gold Rolex knockoff watch was released in 2015 which has been preserved perfectly. The timepiece was sold at 187,500 HKD at last.